Club membership is open to residents who have lived in Rockbridge County or any of its municipalities no more than five (5) years when they join. To qualify for Club membership, one must (a) reside within the boundaries of Rockbridge County or one of its municipalities; or (b) have a residence with a Rockbridge address. Having met these requirements, any person wishing to become a member is accepted upon payment of dues.
What are the benefits of becoming a member?
Join and here’s what you’ll get:
New friends.
Three subsidized events: The Holiday Party, Summer Picnic, and Fall Event.
Ten or more Special Activities a year. Special Activities are one-time events offered on a first-come, first-served basis with costs paid by attendees.
Interest Groups. Groups meet on a regular basis and include book, card and game clubs, dining in, dining out, wine tasting, yoga, and hiking.
A newsletter via e-mail ten times a year with club news and information about upcoming events.
Access the password-protected membership list on the Club website.
Monthly Coffee Socials along with a brief business meeting and occasional guest speakers.
A New Members Tea held in your honor when you first join the club.
Prospective members are encouraged to attend a monthly Club meeting. Or Contact us (link to contact us page).
When and Where are Club Meetings Held?
The club hosts monthly meetings for the general membership and potential new members on the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August and December) at 10 a.m. at the Lexington Golf and Country Club, 141 Country Club Road, Lexington, VA 24450.
Why should I attend monthly meetings?
The meetings begin with a coffee social, providing time for socializing with friends and greeting new members. Meetings frequently include a guest speaker to talk about a local resource or opportunity to volunteer. Attendees are the first to know about upcoming Club events and activities. After the meeting, attendees have the option to join other members for lunch “on your own” at the Country Club’s Tri-Brook Grill .
How much are the annual dues?
Dues are $25 per person per year. The Club year runs from September through August. New members joining at or after the March meeting pay one-half the annual dues rate.
How long can I remain a member?
The length of time one may remain a member is unlimited, as long as you pay your annual dues.
What is the membership fee used for?
The club is all-volunteer, and dues cover operating costs and subsidized club events.
How many members does the club have?
There are approximately 225 members.
What is the age range of members?
All ages are welcome. However, a large portion of our membership are retirees.
Is there a cost to participate in an Activity or Interest Group?
There is no fee to participate. However, all Activities and Interest Groups are financially self-sustaining. For example, the cost of wines is divided among participants in the Wine-tasting group, food costs are divided among Fine Dining/Dining In participants, and participation in certain groups includes a commitment to take a turn at hosting. Special activities often include an admission or ticket cost.
May I bring a guest to a Club function? Can non-members attend events?
Club functions are limited to members. Occasional guests are permitted on a space-available basis. A member may bring one non-member guest to the Holiday Party by purchasing a ticket for the full, unsubsidized cost.
What if you don’t offer the interest group I’m looking for?
If you would like to start a new Interest Group, submit your idea to the Vice-President. Contact VP!
How can I suggest an idea for a Special Activity?
Contact the Activities Chair.
How can I support the club?
The success of this all-volunteer club relies on members’ willingness to contribute time, talents and skills. There are many opportunities to get involved. An easy way to start is to offer to help with an event. Volunteer to serve on a committee. Helping is a great way to make new and lasting friends.
What happens when an Interest Group or Special Activity is full?
Add your name to the substitute and/or waiting list. When demand is there, a new Interest Group may be Formed (for example, we have two Bunco groups and two book clubs) and substitutes are almost always in demand. When the size of a special activity is announced, the description will indicate if spaces are limited; best advice is to sign up right away! Be the first to know by attending meetings and reading the newsletters.
When was the Greater Lexington Newcomers Club formed?