Polyface Farm Tour

Published by JOHN EKIN on

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Date(s) - 09/28/2019
13:00 - 15:00

Polyface Farm


LUNATIC TOURS: Offered two times per month, these genuine hay wagon tours, led by either Joel or Daniel, are limited to the first 100 people to reserve spots. Nominal fee for adults, free for children 12 and younger (children must be accompanied by an adult). For both young and old this meandering driving tour stops at all the different pastured animals, where the Polyface lunatic farmers sound forth on everything from earthworms to earth muffins. More fun than a theme park roller coaster ride, this tour has something for everyone, from farmers to corporate executives. Even McDonald’s junkies are welcome. You’ll never be the same. The diverse people who attend these is profound, and generates unexpected conversations. Epiphanies are normal.

Be sure to arrive 20 minutes prior to start of tour, we will not backtrack for late comers. The tour is only 2 hours; we will not run longer if you are late.
