
Greater Lexington Newcomers’ Club Bylaws
Amended March 2024 

Bylaws of the Greater Lexington Newcomers Club

Amended March 2024


Article 1: Name

Section 1 This Club shall be known as the Greater Lexington Newcomers Club.

Article 2: Mission Statement

Section 1 The Greater Lexington Newcomers Club is a not-for-profit social club whose purpose is to bring together persons new to the Lexington & Rockbridge County area in an inclusive social setting. The Club strives to promote varied activities that foster the opportunity for friendship, social interaction and a sense of belonging among its members. It is a social and informational organization, and, as such, is not to be used for promotion of any cause, no matter how worthy.

Article 3: Membership

Section 1 The Club membership is open to residents who have lived in Rockbridge County or any of its municipalities no more than five (5) years when they join, though this time limit can be waived in the discretion of the Executive Committee. To qualify for Club membership, one must (a) reside within the boundaries of Rockbridge County or one of its municipalities; or (b) have a residence with a Rockbridge address. The latter restriction does not apply to anyone who is a member in good standing as of September 2003 and has maintained a paid membership. The length of time one may remain a member is unlimited. Having met these requirements, any person wishing to become a member is accepted upon payment of dues. Dues are charged on a per person basis.

Extenuating circumstances for allowing former members to rejoin the club will be reviewed/considered and voted on by the Executive Committee.

Section 2 Attendance at Club functions is limited to the members. Occasional additional guests are permitted, but on a space-available basis.

Section 3 The Club year runs from September through August. Membership dues are payable beginning in July and are due by the October meeting. New members joining at or after the March meeting will pay one-half the annual dues rate. Renewing members who pay prior to the September meeting are guaranteed the current dues rate. As of the

October meeting date, renewing members are subject to any dues increase.

Section 4 Any member failing to pay dues by the December meeting shall be considered terminated. Such former members may be reinstated within two (2) years of the active membership upon payment of current year dues. A former member is eligible for reinstatement one time only.

Section 5 It is the responsibility of the member to update the Membership Chairman with personal contact information, especially a current e-mail address.

Article 4: Meetings

Section 1 The general membership of the Club shall meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 10 a.m. The Executive Team may schedule evening general membership meetings several times each year to better accommodate members who cannot attend morning meetings. The meeting place shall be decided by the Executive Committee with approval by the membership. The club typically does not meet in December, July and August, but a meeting may be called by the Executive Committee to take place in any of these months if considered advantageous due to the press of business or other circumstances.

Section 2 Groups that are subsidiaries of the Club shall determine their own meeting date and place.

Section 3 In the event of inclement weather, the general meeting is cancelled if the Rockbridge County schools are closed.

Section 4 The purpose of the general meetings shall be to conduct Club business and can allow for the occasional speaker on a topic deemed to be of interest to the majority of the membership. The Executive Committee will be responsible for authorizing appropriate speakers and topics. Speakers may not represent political, business interests or solicit funds for charities. Information about nonprofit organizations and events may

be distributed at the general meeting by way of a flyer or poster placed on the Activities table. All information must be approved by the President prior to the day of the meeting. The Welcome Committee Chairman determines appropriate placement of flyers or posters.

Article 5: Government

Section 1 The governing body of this Club shall be the Executive Committee, which is comprised of the Officers and the Immediate Past President.

Section 2 The Executive Committee prepares the annual budget for membership approval, transacts routine business between general meetings, acts in emergencies and reviews by-laws.

Section 3 The Club By-Laws may be amended as presented by the Executive Committee, at a general meeting by a two thirds vote of the members present, with one month’s advance notice published in the newsletter.

Section 4 Business proceedings of the Club shall be conducted in accordance with “Robert’s Rules of Order,” except that business may be conducted at General Meetings without the necessity of a quorum.

Section 5 Mailing lists, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses are for Club use only. They may not be used for other purposes nor may they be shared with non-Club members.

Article 6: Election of Officers and Standing Committee Chairmen

Section 1 The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee in March consisting of the Executive Committee and at least three members-at-large. The committee shall present a slate of officers plus standing committee chairmen at the May general meeting.

Section 2 Nominations from the floor shall be in order at that same meeting.

Section 3 The annual election of officers and standing committee chairmen shall be held at the June general meeting. The elected term of all officers shall be for one year, beginning August 1st and ending July 31st, with the VicePresident rising to the office of President the succeeding year.

Article 7: Officers

Section 1 The officers of the Club shall be elected by the membership and shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

Section 2 Each officer must be a member in good standing and must have been a Club member for a minimum of one (1) year.

Section 3 The Monthly Newsletter shall serve as the official Club record.

Section 4 No officer shall be eligible to be elected to the same office for more than three (3) years, with the exception of the Treasurer who may serve a longer term if such is approved by the Executive Committee.

Article 8: Duties of Officers

Section 1 The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and of the Executive Committee. The President shall appoint, as needed, the chairmen of the standing and special committees. The President has the authority to sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer and authorize an annual audit.

Section 2 The Vice-President shall preside at meetings of the Club and Executive Committee in the absence of the President and perform such other duties as the President may direct including reserving space at a restaurant for lunch after each meeting. The Vice-President shall also review, and present to the Executive Committee for approval, the written proposal presented by a potential new interest group. This review is to ensure that the interest group complies with Article 2 of the By-laws.

Section 3

The Secretary shall record minutes of Club meetings and report proposals and votes for publication in the newsletter. The Secretary will assure that meeting notices are posted in local media and will develop and maintain an informational flier to promote the club.

Section 4 The Treasurer shall pay all bills approved by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall also make available a written report of all receipts and expenditures at each general meeting. The financial information of the Club shall be posted in the newsletter and on the Club website.

Article 9: Committees

Section 1 Committees for the Club shall be divided into two categories: Standing and Special.

Section 2 The Standing Committees shall be: Activities, Membership, Newsletter, Hospitality and Welcome.

Section 3 Special Committees shall be: Holiday Party, Nominating and Picnic.

Section 4 The Executive Committee has the authority to appoint other Special Committees as needed.

Section 5 The Executive Committee shall appoint a Webmaster and Associate Webmaster. These persons shall maintain the Club website to maximize use of its features. The Webmaster and Associate Webmaster are exempt from any limitation on the length of term, and shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive Committee.

Section 6 The Executive Committee shall appoint a Corresponding Secretary. The Corresponding Secretary shall send cards to any member in the event of illness, bereavement or special occasion, submitting a report of cards sent each month for publication in the newsletter. This position may be held by a member at large or by a current officer.

Article 10: Committee Duties

Section 1–Standing Committees

A. Activities Committee shall plan a minimum of four activities per year. Information about such activities shall be announced at the general meetings and publicized in the Newsletter.

B. Hospitality Committee shall implement as many New Member Coffees per Club year as are appropriate. The committee will solicit hosts; coordinate dates and arrangements with the hosts, recently enrolled members, and officers; and provide sign-up sheets and name tags for attendees. Specific guidelines regarding reimbursement procedures will be established yearly by the Hospitality Committee, in accordance with the annual budget for New Member Coffees.

C. Membership Committee shall be responsible for maintaining enrollment forms, the membership data base and work with the webmaster to maintain the on-line membership directory. The committee shall send renewal reminders each August.

D. Newsletter Chairman shall gather and assemble all pertinent information for the monthly newsletter, including officers’ remarks and activities and interest group reports. The newsletter is posted to the Club’s web site, and members are notified by email.

E. Welcome Committee shall organize the meeting room with needs of new members in mind. An attendance roster shall be provided at each meeting. Committee chairman shall recruit volunteers who will greet newer members and guests, assist them in navigating the room, and introduce new members/guests to the Club. The Welcome Committee chairman shall determine the placement of signup sheets and other information. Committee chairman shall appoint one person to be responsible for preparing and maintaining name tags for all members.

Section 2–Special Committees

A. Holiday Party Committee, appointed by the President, plans the site, date, food and entertainment (if any) for the annual Holiday Party held in December.

B. Picnic Committee, appointed by the President, plans the site, date, food and entertainment if any) for the annual Club Picnic.

C. Nominating Committee is responsible for presenting, at the May meeting, a slate of officers plus standing committee chairmen for the following year.

D. Special Event Committee, appointed by the President, plans the site, date, food and entertainment (if any) for the annual Special Event.

Article 11: Events, Activities and Interest Groups

Section 1 Club functions are divided into three categories: Events, Activities and Interest Groups. Events are held annually and are partially underwritten by the Club. Activities are non-recurring functions within a calendar year. Interest Groups meet more than once a year on a regular basis.

Section 2 Events consist of the Club Picnic, Holiday Party and a Special Event. The Club will underwrite these events in accordance with the annual budget, including an alcohol and beverage control license when required. All other expenses for these events shall be borne by the participants.

Section 3 In planning Club events and activities, the chairperson is strongly encouraged to secure a written contract for the site and from the suppliers.

Section 4 In the event that excessive monies accrue in the Club treasury, and upon recommendation of the Executive Committee, an additional underwritten event shall be planned. The choice of event must be voted upon by the membership from several proposals presented at a general meeting with at least one month’s notice.

Section 5 All Activities and Interest Groups are financially self-sustaining. These groups may adopt a “no-refund” rule to preserve the event(s) for others.

Section 6 Activity Chairmen and Interest Group leaders shall publicize their activities in the Club newsletter.

Section 7 Events and activities must be open to all Club members. Because we are a private organization, interest groups may be formed to meet the specific needs of the membership. Gender-specific groups are permitted. A written proposal for a potential new interest group must be submitted to the Vice-President.

Section 8 To participate in any function of the Club, one must be either a member in good standing or a guest of a member in good standing.

Section 9 To remain a member in good standing of an interest group, members must fulfill their responsibility to the group. Failure to do so will result in the non-compliant member being excluded from participation in that group for the remainder of the Club year, and not being eligible for inclusion in the group the following Club year.

Section 10 Driver reimbursement for carpooling should generously cover the expenses of the trip and be divided among the passengers.

Article 12: Finances

Section 1 The rate of annual dues shall be determined by the Executive Committee when the annual budget is prepared. Any change in dues must be approved by the membership.

Section 2 At the September general meeting, the Executive Committee shall present a budget for the year, which shall be voted upon by the membership at the October general meeting. The budget will be published in the September newsletter.

Section 3 In an emergency, the Executive Committee is authorized to expend non-budgeted funds without membership approval in an amount not to exceed $400.