Welcome to the Greater Lexington Newcomers’ Club.
The club was created in 1993 with the purpose of providing those recently arrived to the area (who have lived here fewer than five years) the opportunity to get to know others in the community and to offer activities to help develop friendships. Our organization is a bit different from similar clubs elsewhere because once people have joined the club and pay the annual dues, they can remain in the club for as long as they like. We think everyone benefits from having a mix of old and new: all members are eager to share information, whether it is a review of restaurants in town, where to board pets, or share the trials of building a new home.
Our interests are many as you will see through viewing the pages on this website. Members participate in card groups, book groups, scrabble, hiking, wine and dining groups to name a few of the many activities provided by the Club. Overnight and monthly day trips are organized to familiarize our members with what the area has to offer. If there are particular interests not already on our list of activities, members are encouraged to create a new group.
Membership requirements are listed on the Membership Page. Monthly meetings are held at the Lexington Golf and Country Club at 141 Country Club Road, Lexington, VA at 10:30 AM the first Wednesday of each month excluding December, July and August. Meetings include a brief social gathering before a business meeting providing an opportunity for fellowship and fun. You are not required to attend the monthly meeting to enjoy our social activities, but you are required to be a member with your dues current.
We maintain a password-protected membership directory online and a monthly newsletter is sent via email to all members.
For more information, send us an email and we will have our Membership Committee get in touch with you to provide details about our activities and interest groups or to answer any questions you may have about the Newcomers Club.